My Days Away

Probably one of the worst things that could happen is getting sick after being sick. And having to work while being sick, and getting bombed on my the entire universe. This has been my life since the last time I wrote anything here. I am swamped with reading selections for classes and I sound like I’m whining. Boo!!!

I’m still waiting for my passport–which I ordered two months ago. Can you say ridiculous?!


I hate waiting and getting letters that I need to send more stuff because my documents are good enough. Absolutely insane! There’s also this bill I got about an emergency room visit (I was sick for days! I just wanted a Doctor to fix me!).

You would think your last year of schooling would be fine, but it’s a LIE! I got sick on my birthday, only some people actually remembered. Geeze, you should see my facebook page; only three people said “HBD.” Really sad, especially since I remembered their birthdays.

I would have so many emoticons on this page if it were offered. Good grief!

I digress, because I know this is killing you inside.

I haven’t posted anything because, sadly, I have nothing as of yet to really post. Well…I sort of do. I have four stories I’ve been working on sporadically. Two of which are not short stories, but possibly books. I don’t know yet, we’ll see. One of which I am pretty sure is silly as hell, but it is admittedly fun to write.

I got emailed today that the deadline for a fiction contest at my college has been extended, which means I can work on the manuscripts that I want to submit. Yay! I would like to win, though I know there are a lot of writers who are very good.

Game on!

Anyway, I’ll write back or post when it’s worthy of your sight. I posted an excerpt of work on my blog before…no views–kind of disappointing. I might just change where I place it. More than likely.

Hope to write back soon with some good news. Like my passport is in my hands.
